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콘텐츠 수 129

클럭 회로 - 16. 참고 문헌 (References)

클럭회로 구매수 0 조회 수 1621 2012.03.30 22:02:30
판매자 사탄 판매 납포인트 무료 평점 1.0점 / 총 1명 참여

클럭 회로(Clock Circuits)

16. 참고 문헌 (References)

1) Mottrose, M. 1999.
   EMC and the Printed Circuit Board Design-Design, Theory and Layout Made Simple. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press.
2) Kaupp, H.R. 1967, April.
   "Characteristics of Mocrostrip Transmission Lines: IEEE Transactions." Vol. EC-16, No. 2.
3) National Semiconductor. 1996.
   LVDS Owner's Manual.
4) IPC-D-317A. 1995, January.
   Design Guidelines for Electronic Packaging Utilizing High-Speed Techniques. Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronics Circuits.
5) IPC-2141.1996, April. 
   Controlled Impedance Circuit Boards and High Speed Logic Design. Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronics Circuits.
6) Paul, C. R. 1984.
   Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
7) Paul, C. R. 1992.
  Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
8) Mardiguian, M. 1992.
   Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design. New York:: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
9) Motorola, Inc.
   Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications(#AN1051/D)
10) Johnson, H.W., and M.Graham. 1993.
   High Speed Digital Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Old - 1'st Edition
1) Mardiguian, M. 1992
   Controlling Radiated Emission by Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
2) Mororola, Inc.
   MECL System Design Handbook (#HB205) and Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications (#AN1051)
3) Mororola, Inc.
   Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications (#AN1051/D)
4) Dockey, R.W. and R.F. German. 1993. New techniquies for reducing PCB common-mode radiation.
   Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility: New York: IEEE, 344-339



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