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ECAD Simulation HOTOrCAD Layout 단종 안내

아크마2009.12.29 15:3712.29조회 수 9811댓글 0이 게시물을


OrCAD, Cadence에서는 2007년 6월 OrCAD Layout관련제품을
단종한다고 발표하여 하반기부터 시행되었고, 단품, 패키지 제품은 다음과 같습니다.

OrCAD Layout
OrCAD Layout Plus
OrCAD Unison PCB
OrCAD Unison Ultra

근래 Layout에 대한 문의가 있어 재공지해 드리는 것으로
Cadence U.S.A의 총판법인 EMA(www.ema-eda.com)에 게시된 내용
확인하시기 바라며, 기존 Layout 사용자께서는 대체제품으로 안내받으실 수 있으니

출처 : http://rndtech.co.kr/bbs/view.php?id=notice&no=8

Official Cadence OrCAD Layout End-of-Life Notification
Avis Officiel – Fin De Vie – Cadence OrCAD Layout
June 20, 2007
To our valued OrCAD Layout customers:
As demonstrated in the OrCAD® product 16.0 release, Cadence® continues to invest in providing a fully
scalable PCB design solution for our customers – one that grows with you as your PCB designs grow in
complexity. We've all seen the PCB design landscape change dramatically in recent years. In order to
help customers meet current market demands and maximize productivity, Cadence continues to leverage
the power of its proven Allegro® PCB technology within our OrCAD product line. This allows Cadence to
offer customers unique suites and technology bundles that address current and future design challenges.
This letter is intended to communicate some important developments regarding the future of Cadence
OrCAD Layout. Cadence has begun the End-of-Life process for Cadence OrCAD Layout technology
based products.
Please Note: Cadence OrCAD Capture, OrCAD Capture CIS, Cadence SPECCTRA® for OrCAD, and
PSpice® technology are all integral parts of Cadence’s long-term product strategy and are not
affected by this notice.
Effective July 31, 2007, Cadence will no longer sell the following Cadence OrCAD Layout based
technology products:
1. OrCAD Layout (PO1410)
2. OrCAD Layout Plus (PO1420)
3. OrCAD Unison PCB (PO1510)
4. OrCAD Unison Ultra (PO1530)
5. Layout Studio (PS1430)
We acknowledge that transitioning software systems is never easy and is often a juggling act between
investing in learning new technologies and meeting current business priorities. EMA is committed to
ensuring we do everything possible to help minimize the impact on you, wherever possible. To help ease
the transition, Cadence is providing OrCAD Layout customers with multiple paths for migrating to new
technology that leverages the power of Allegro PCB Editor. Learn more about the various transition path
options by visiting http://www.ema-eda.com/orcadlayout.
The products entering End of Sale will be supported thru March 31, 2009. After that date, these products
will no longer be supported for hot-fixes or support calls and will not be shipped on the OrCAD CD set.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss these changes and how it may impact you, please
contact your EMA Account Manager. You may also contact the EMA technical support team at 585-334-
6001, Option 5, or by email at techsupport@ema-eda.com.
We remain focused on providing solutions to ensure your ongoing and future success!
Best regards,
Manny Marcano
President and CEO
EMA Design Automation


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댓글 0

하드웨어 설계 및 개발에 대하여 개발자들이 자유롭게 토론하는 공간입니다.
- Q&A, 자유주재 토론, 관련 정보 공유
- 분야 : 마이크로프로세서 응용, 전기/전자(아날로그/디지털) 회로 설계, C/C++ 프로그래밍, 펌웨어,
         PCB Artwork, 트러블슈팅 등 하드웨어 설계에 관한 전반인 내용
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※ 하드웨어 인사이트는 회원들간의 거래정보를 게재할 뿐이지, 그 어떤 책임과 의무도 가지지 않습니다.

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