회원가입 ID/PW 찾기


컴퓨터 keyboard를 통해 led제어 를 usart통신으로하려합니다

그런데 하이퍼터미널까지는 했는데요

제어가 되지않습니다

그냥 불만 들어옵니다..

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무엇이 잘못된건지몰라서 질문 올립니다

혹시 소스보시고 아시는분은 빨리 답변좀 해주세요ㅠ






#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "d:/WinAVR-20100110/avr/include/avr/iom128.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void tx0Char(char message);
void tx1Char(char message);

//int putchar(char c);
//int getchar(void);
void port_init(void);
void uart0_init(void);
void uart1_init(void);
void init_devices(void);
void delay(int n);
static int Putchar(char c, FILE *stream);

static int Putchar(char c, FILE *stream)
 return 0;

// printf 함수에서 사용할 putchar 에 UART0와 UART1으로
// 데이터를 보내도록 하였다.
int putchar(char c)
 return c;

// UART0 을 이용한 출력
void tx0Char(char message)
 while (((UCSR0A>>UDRE0)&0x01) == 0) ;  // UDRE, data register empty       
    UDR0 = message;

// UART1 을 이용한 출력
void tx1Char(char message)
 while (((UCSR1A>>UDRE1)&0x01) == 0) ;  // UDRE, data register empty       
    UDR1 = message;

void USART_Transmit(unsigned char data)
 /*wait for empty transmit buffer*/
 while(!(UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE)));

 /*put data into buffer, sends the data*/

 UDR0 = data;


unsigned char USART_Receive(void)
int toggle=1;

 char temp;
 int shift = 0;
 /*wait for data to be received*/

 while(!(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC)));

 /*Get and return received data from buffer*/
 temp = UDR0 & 0xff;

 return temp; 


void port_init(void)
 PORTA = 0x00;
 DDRA  = 0x83;//83
 PORTB = 0x00;
 DDRB  = 0x00;
 PORTC = 0x00; //m103 output only
 DDRC  = 0x00;
 PORTD = 0x00;
 DDRD  = 0x00;
 PORTE = 0x02;
 DDRE  = 0x00;
 PORTF = 0x00;
 DDRF  = 0xff;//ff
 PORTG = 0x00;
 DDRG  = 0x03;//03

//UART0 initialize
// desired baud rate: 9600
// actual: baud rate:9615 (0.2%)
// char size: 8 bit
// parity: Disabled
void uart0_init(void)
 UCSR0B = 0x00; //disable while setting baud rate
 UCSR0A = 0x00;
 UCSR0C = 0x06;
 UBRR0L = 0x67; //set baud rate lo
 UBRR0H = 0x00; //set baud rate hi
 UCSR0B = 0x18;

//UART1 initialize
// desired baud rate:9600
// actual baud rate:9615 (0.2%)
// char size: 8 bit
// parity: Disabled
void uart1_init(void)
 UCSR1B = 0x00; //disable while setting baud rate
 UCSR1A = 0x00;
 UCSR1C = 0x06;
// UBRR1L = 0x2F; //set baud rate lo 7.3728 MHz
// UBRR1L = 0x47; //set baud rate lo 11.0592 Mhz
 UBRR1L = 0x67; //set baud rate lo 16Mhz
 UBRR1H = 0x00; //set baud rate hi
 UCSR1B = 0x18;

//call this routine to initialize all peripherals
void init_devices(void)
 //stop errant interrupts until set up
 cli(); //disable all interrupts
 XDIV  = 0x00; //xtal divider
 XMCRA = 0x00; //external memory
 uart0_init();              // UART 0 초기화
 uart1_init();              // UART 1 초기화

 MCUCR = 0x00;
 EICRA = 0x00; //extended ext ints
 EICRB = 0x00; //extended ext ints
 EIMSK = 0x00;
 TIMSK = 0x00; //timer interrupt sources
 ETIMSK = 0x00; //extended timer interrupt sources
 sei(); //re-enable interrupts
 //all peripherals are now initialized

// 시간 지연 함수
void delay(int n)
 volatile int i,j;


int main (void)


 volatile unsigned char receive = 0;
 //insert your functional code here...
 printf("printf 테스트 프로그램...\n\r");

  printf("1. LED_ON / OFF 제어(q,w)\n");
  printf("2. 커텐온오프(a,s)\n");
  printf("3. 보안 온오프(z,x)\n");
  printf(" : ");

  receive = USART_Receive();
  switch (receive)
   case 'q' :
    PORTD = 0xff;

   case 'w' :    /*js :빠져서추가*/ 
    PORTD = 0x00;   


   case 'a' :
    PORTA =  PORTA  | 0x01;   // 0000 0001
    PORTA = PORTA & 0xfe;

   case 's' :
    PORTA = PORTA | 0x02;    // 0000 0010


    PORTA = PORTA & 0xfd;   // 1111 1101

   case 'z' :
   //  PORTA_temp = PORTA_temp | 0x04;        //   0000 0100
   PORTA = PORTA | 0x04;

   case 'x' :

   PORTA = PORTA & 0xfc;   // 1111 1011


   default : break;







 return 0;

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※ 하드웨어 인사이트는 회원들간의 거래정보를 게재할 뿐이지, 그 어떤 책임과 의무도 가지지 않습니다.

번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 날짜
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