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펌웨어 & 코딩언어 HOTrs232 통신프로그램..

예딩2010.12.06 18:1412.06조회 수 2360댓글 0이 게시물을


오픈소스가많다는데 소켓프로그래밍밖에안보여서요..ㅠㅠ

rs231을 통한 일대일 채팅프로그램을 구현해야되는데..제대로 안되네요

글을 쓰면 연속적으로 써지는게 아니라

워키토키 방식으로 한줄씩 돌아가면서 순차적으로 글을써야만해요ㅠㅠ..이거어떻게고치죠?


#include <iostream.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
// using namespace std;

DCB m_dcb;

int Open_Port(char* szPort)
 //The CreateFile function opens a munications port
 hComm = CreateFile( szPort,  //pointer to name of the file
  //If a port does not exist, an error will occur (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
  GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // access (read-write) mode. 
  0, // exclusive access.  Communications ports cannot be shared in the same manner that files are shared
  0, // default security attributes
  OPEN_EXISTING, //Opens the file. The function fails if the file does not exist.
//If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified file. 
//If the file does not exist before the call, GetLastError returns zero.

 // check serial port
  // Handle the error
  cout << "CreateFile failed with error" << endl <<endl;
  return 1;
  cout << "CreatFile is Success" << endl<<endl;  

 return 0;

int Init_serial()

 //get serial communications device
 //baud rate, stop bits, byte size, Parity check

//There are three ways to initialize a DCB structure.
//The first method is to use the function GetCommState.
//This function returns the current DCB in use for the communications port. 
 if(GetCommState(hComm,&m_dcb))  // handle to communications device
          // pointer to device-control block structure   
  cout << "Check Serial Satus" << endl;
  cout << "baud rate : " << m_dcb.BaudRate << endl;
  cout << "stop bit : " << m_dcb.StopBits  << endl;
  cout << "data size : " << m_dcb.ByteSize << endl;
  cout << "Ready to Serial" << endl<< endl;
  cout << "Fail to Set serial" <<endl<<endl;

 typedef struct _DCB { // dcb
    DWORD BaudRate;            // current baud rate
    DWORD fParity: 1;          // enable parity checking
    BYTE ByteSize;             // number of bits/byte, 4-8
    BYTE Parity;               // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
    BYTE StopBits;             // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
 } DCB;

 // set serial device
 m_dcb.BaudRate = 115200;
 m_dcb.ByteSize = 8;
 m_dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
 m_dcb.Parity   = NOPARITY;

//The SetCommState function configures a communications device according to the specifications
//in a device-control block (a DCB structure).
//The function reinitializes all hardware and control settings,
//but it does not empty output or input queues
 if(SetCommState(hComm,&m_dcb))  // handle to communications device
          // pointer to device-control block structure
  cout << "Serial device is set" << endl;
  cout << "baud rate : " << m_dcb.BaudRate << endl;
  cout << "stop bit  : " << (int)m_dcb.StopBits  << endl;
  cout << "Parity    : " << (int)m_dcb.Parity    << endl;
  cout << "data size : " << (int)m_dcb.ByteSize  << endl<<endl;
  cout << "Fail to Serial set" << endl;
  cout << "=============================" << endl;
  return 1;

 return 0;

int Comp_str(char *a)
 int pt=0;

  pt= 1;

 // cout << "Result of Compare : " << pt << endl;

 return pt;

int main()
 char *szPort;
 const int buff_size=2048;
 char buf[buff_size]="";
 char sbuf[buff_size]="";
 unsigned long byte_read=0;
 unsigned long byte_written=0;

 int protocol =0;
 int val;
 // Create File for Com Port
  cout << " Fail to Create File for ComPort" << endl;
  return 1;

 // Initialize Serial Port
  cout << " Fail to Initialize Serial Port" << endl;
  return 1;


    cin.getline(buf, 20);

 val=WriteFile(hComm,  // handle to file to write to
    buf,    // pointer to data to write to file
    strlen(buf),  // number of bytes to write
    &byte_written,  // pointer to number of bytes written
    NULL); // pointer to structure for overlapped I/O
    cout << "send data : " <<buf << endl;

 val=ReadFile(hComm,  // handle of file to read
    sbuf,    // pointer to buffer that receives data
    sizeof(sbuf),  // number of bytes to read 
    &byte_read,   // pointer to number of bytes read
    NULL);    // pointer to structure for data

     cout <<" recv_data : "<<sbuf << endl;
     memset(sbuf, 0, buff_size);

 cout <<"End of Chatting" << endl;

 //The ReadFile function reads data from a file, starting at the position indicated by the file pointer.

 // device close
 CloseHandle(hComm);   // handle to object to close

 return 0;

댓글 0

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