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콘텐츠 수 696

Transistor marking codes 정리

강좌 & 팁 구매수 0 2012.12.30 17:17:34
판매자 아크마 판매 납포인트 무료 평점 5.0점 / 총 1명 참여
한번 쯤 훓어 보기 좋은 자료라 생각되어 올립니다.

We are lucky with transistors that, apart from a few oddities which I'll talk
about later, most markings follow one of these codes.
ICs are more tricky as you're often dealing with custom chips or mask
programmed devices with manufacturers individual codes.
A quick hint though: always look for known numbers (eg 723, 6502, 2764) etc
between the suffix and prefix, and beware of the date code.

Right, back to transistors. The three standard transistor marking schemes are:

1. Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC).

These take the form:

	digit, letter, serial number, [suffix]

where the letter is always 'N'

the first digit is one less than the number of legs, (2 for transistors unless
they're crippled although I'm not sure about 4 legged transistors maybe they
get a 3) except for 4N and 5N which are reserved for optocouplers.

The serial number runs from 100 to 9999 and tell nothing about the transistor
except its approximate time of introduction.

The (optional) suffix indicates the gain (hfe) group of the device:
	A = low gain
	B = medium gain
	C = high gain
	No suffix = ungrouped (any gain).
See the data sheet for the actual gain spread and groupings.
The reason for gain grouping is that the low gain devices are fractionally
cheaper than the high gain devices, resulting in savings for high volume users.

Examples-  2N3819, 2N2221A, 2N904.

2. Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).

These take the form:

	digit, two letters, serial number, [suffix]

Again, the digit is one less than the number of legs.

The letters indicate the applicatin area and flavour of the device according
to the following code:

SA:	PNP HF transistor	SB:	PNP AF transistor
SC:	NPN HF transistor	SD:	NPN AF transistor
SE:	Diodes			SF:	Thyristors
SG:	Gunn devices		SH:	UJT
SJ:	P-channel FET/MOSFET	SK:	N-channel FET/MOSFET
SM:	Triac			SQ:	LED
SR:	Rectifier		SS:	Signal diodes
ST:	Avalanche diodes	SV:	Varicaps
SZ:	Zener diodes

The serial number runs from 10-9999.

The (optional) suffix ndicates that the type is approved for use by various
Japanese organisations.

NOTE. since the code for transistors always begins with 2S, it is sometimes
(more often than not is seems) ommitted so, for example, a 2SC733 would be
marked C 733.

Examples-  2SA1187, 2SB646, 2SC733.

3. Pro-electron.

These take the form:

	two letters, [letter], serial number, [suffix]

The first letter indicates the material:
	A = Ge
	B = Si
	C = GaAs
	R = compound materials.
Needless to say the biggest majority of transistors begin with a B.

The second letter indicates the device application:

A:	Diode RF		B: Variac
C:	transistor, AF, small signal
D:	transistor, AF, power
E:	Tunnel diode
F:	transistor, HF, small signal
K:	Hall effect device
L:	Transistor, HF, power
N:	Optocoupler
P:	Radiation sensitive device
Q:	Radiation producing device
R:	Thyristor, Low power
T:	Thyristor, Power
U:	Transistor, power, switching
Y:	Rectifier
Z:	Zener, or voltage regulator diode

The third letter indicates that the device is intended for industrial or
professional rather than commercial applications. It is usually a W,X,Y or Z.

The serial number runs from 100-9999.

The suffix indicates the gain grouping, as for JEDEC.

Examples-  BC108A, BAW68, BF239, BFY51.

Apart from JEDEC, JIS and Pro-electron, manufacturers often introduce their
own types, for commercial reasons (ie to get their name into the code) or to
emphasise that the range belongs to a specialist application.
Common brand specific prefixes are:

MJ:	Motorolla power, metal case
MJE:	Motorolla power, plastic case
MPS:	Motorolla low power, plastic case
MRF:	Motorolla HF, VHF and microwave transistor
TIP:	Texas Instruments power transistor (platic case)
TIPL:	TI planar power transistor
TIS:	TI small signal transistor (plastic case)
ZT:	Ferranti
ZTX:	Ferranti

Examples-  ZTX302, TIP31A, MJE3055, TIS43.

Many manufacturers also make custom parts for large volume OEM use.
These parts are optimised for use in a given part of a given circuit.
They usually just have a manufacturers stamp and an untraceable number.
Often when a company goes bankrupt, or has surplus at the end of a
production run, these transistors find their way into hobbyist bargain packs.
There is no way that you can trace data on these devices, so they are only
suitable as LED drivers, buffers, etc, where the actual parameters are not 
important. Check carefully before buying.

Once you have identified your part, a trip to the data sheet or equivalents
book is called for (anyone know of an on-line equivalents list?).


모르는 것이 무엇인지 스스로 정리하고 질문하는 습관을 가집시다.
무성의/광범위하거나 직접 해보지 않고 올리는 질문은 서로를 피곤하게 합니다.
질문쪽지는 사절이오니 게시판에 글을 남겨주세요. 그래야 다같이 공유할 수 있으니까요.

컴쟁이 2013.06.16 00:04
영어라 어렵네요...
디지털목수 2013.10.17 10:12
트렌지스터 고를때 도움이 되겠어요^^
진선 2013.12.06 13:33
좋은자료 감사 드립니다....
늘사랑에목마르다 2014.05.30 08:45
좋은 자료 감사 드립니다.
천년미르 2014.08.26 17:46
무한땜 2014.10.20 17:07
좋은 자료 감사합니다.
이시려요 2014.10.22 18:40
좋은 자료 감사합니다.
이창원 2014.11.14 18:50
좋은 정보 감사합니다.
ghtjd19 2014.11.24 22:13
좋은 글 잘 봤습니다!
주우니 2014.12.31 14:01
기배 2015.01.06 15:15
좋은 글에 감사합니다.
전광철 2015.03.09 15:15
먹다버린장갑 2015.03.23 17:20
많은 도움 되었습니다.
나무꾼2 2015.07.04 14:52
해석이 안돼 ㅜㅜ
가현아빠 2015.10.22 11:02

좋은 자료 감사합니다.

킹또 2016.06.08 17:57

좋은정보 감사합니다.

에노스 2016.06.08 21:07


전류가머에요 2016.06.14 14:38


delse1 2016.08.16 22:32

이름에도 이런 의미가 있다니.. 신기합니다.

JJason 2016.10.07 23:13

좋은 내용 감사합니다.

고조사 2017.01.07 14:51


김부경 2017.04.17 17:56
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