1) 지식 창고는 본인이 작성한 콘텐츠(팁/노하우/리소스/강좌 등)을 무료 혹은 가상화폐인 납포인트를 통해 공유하는 공간입니다.
2) 본인이 작성한 콘텐츠에 대해서만 지식 창고에 등록할 수 있으며, 저작권에 위배되는 콘텐츠는 사전경고 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
3) 콘텐츠 구매 및 첨부파일 다운로드는 회원그룹 '연구원' 이상 가능하오니, 경험치를 쌓아 진급한 후에 이용 부탁드립니다.
4) 무료 콘텐츠의 본문은 구매절차 없이 즉시 이용할 수 있으며, 판매 납포인트가 있는 콘텐츠는 구매 후 이용할 수 있습니다.
5) 콘텐츠 판매에 따른 납포인트 수익은 지정한 비율(50%)에 따라 판매자에게 지급하며, 납포인트 수익을 통해 진급을 빨리할 수 있습니다.
6) 구매 후 평가를 하면 구매 납포인트의 20%를 돌려 드립니다.
판매자 | 사탄 | 판매 납포인트 | 무료 | 평점 | 0점 / 총 0명 참여 |
The C6713 DSK is a low-cost standalone development platform that enables users to evaluate and develop applications for the TI C67xx DSP family. The DSK also serves as a hardware reference design for the TMS320C6713 DSP. Schematics, logic equations and application notes are available to ease hardware development and reduce time to market.
The DSK comes with a full compliment of on-board devices that suit a wide variety of application environments. Key features include:
• A Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 DSP operating at 225 MHz.
• An AIC23 stereo codec
• 16 Mbytes of synchronous DRAM
• 512 Kbytes of non-volatile Flash memory (256 Kbytes usable in default configuration)
• 4 user accessible LEDs and DIP switches
• Software board configuration through registers implemented in CPLD
• Configurable boot options
• Standard expansion connectors for daughter card use
• JTAG emulation through on-board JTAG emulator with USB host interface or external emulator
• Single voltage power supply (+5V)
The DSP on the 6713 DSK interfaces to on-board peripherals through a 32-bit wide EMIF (External Memory InterFace). The SDRAM, Flash and CPLD are all connected to the bus. EMIF signals are also connected daughter card expansion connectors which are used for third party add-in boards.
The DSP interfaces to analog audio signals through an on-board AIC23 codec and four 3.5 mm audio jacks (microphone input, line input, line output, and headphone output). The codec can select the microphone or the line input as the active input. The analog output is driven to both the line out (fixed gain) and headphone (adjustable gain) connectors. McBSP0 is used to send commands to the codec control interface while McBSP1 is used for digital audio data. McBSP0 and McBSP1 can be re-routed to the expansion connectors in software.
A programmable logic device called a CPLD is used to implement glue logic that ties the board components together. The CPLD has a register based user interface that lets the user configure the board by reading and writing to its registers.
The DSK includes 4 LEDs and a 4 position DIP switch as a simple way to provide the user with interactive feedback. Both are accessed by reading and writing to the CPLD registers.
An included 5V external power supply is used to power the board. On-board switching voltage regulators provide the +1.26V DSP core voltage and +3.3V I/O supplies. The board is held in reset until these supplies are within operating specifications.
Code Composer communicates with the DSK through an embedded JTAG emulator with a USB host interface. The DSK can also be used with an external emulator through the external JTAG connector.